
Traditional Beekeeping Methods

After collecting the honeydew from young leaves, the Italian bees fly back to their hive, and then the honeydew needs an extra 16 days for full maturing. The mature honeydew in the honeycomb will then be sealed intact by the beeswax secreted by the bees, forming the natural organic 'capping honey".

This organic "capping honey" is a kind of honey without any artificial processing and additives, free from contamination, and is rich in vitamins, minerals, trace elements as well as a variety of biologically active enzymes. It has more nutrients and active substances than many other kinds of ordinary honey, and is called a premium honey.

borneo's natural honey

When the organic "capping honey" has become mature, the honey will then be harvested by bee-keeping staff. Thanks to the stable honey source, bees do not have to wander around. The stationed collection practice by Borneo Acacia has enabled harvest and storage to take place on the same day. The whole process, from harvesting from the nest to production and packaging, takes no more than 15 days, thus ensuring the freshness of the honey from the stage of raw materials to finished products.

borneo's natural honey