Acacia Mangium Honey 2014-10-18T10:47:48+00:00

Acacia Mangium Honey

Acacia Mangium Honey is a great choice for diabetics because of its low sucrose content. It also cleanses the liver, regulates the intestine, and is anti-inflammatory for the respiratory system. For all these remarkable benefits and for its taste many consider acacia honey one of the best in the world!


Acacia honey contains an exceptionally high concentration of fructose. This property prevents acacia honey from crystallizing, unlike most other varieties of honey that tend to harden after a period of time. This property also makes baking with acacia honey more challenging, since the honey doesn’t harden in the oven along with the item being baked.


Acacia honey, like all honey, has antimicrobial properties. According to the National Honey Board most of honey’s antimicrobial properties are due to the natural production of hydrogen peroxide. Honey is also valued for its antioxidant properties.